Who Gets Paid More Web Designer or Developer?


For those who are not familiar with the tech industry, the job titles like “web designer” and “web developers” may sound new to them. Though both the job profiles bring life to the websites, they involve features and functionalities. Both the positions require training and particular skill sets are needed to achieve the designation.

Making a career in the tech industry is trending in today’s digital-driven world. Both positions are dynamic, so most of the jobs are not like traditional 10 to 5 work where you only focus on one task and get a regular salary. Web developers and web designers are different in the aspect of commitment. Both the positions can be freelance or part-time. Depending upon your flexibility and time, one can choose to work accordingly on the project for extra money.

So if you are interested in knowing how much developers and designers earn? Then this blog helps you understand the pay scale of developers and designers. But before that, we also need to understand what the job role of both positions is.

What Is a Web Designer?

A website designer’s primary focus is on the appearance of websites and web applications. They are well-versed in color-scheme, graphic design, and symmetric. Important aspects of web designs are information flow, advanced user experience. Additionally, top-notch tools like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and other designing tools should be part of the designers’ toolkit.

 As a web designer, it is a plus point if you are aware of the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, in some companies, these coding skills aren’t required. But yes, it is significant for designers to follow the tech trends.

What Is a Web Developer?

Web developers should be well-skilled in the programming languages and know how to integrate features, functionalities on the web applications. In general, web developers are focused on features instead of the appearance of the website.

Within the development field, there are two types of developers: front end and back end.

Front-end developers must be experts in programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Also, there are some major similarities between front-end developers and designers.

Backend developers usually learn the programming languages like Ruby on Rails, Python, Django. They also need to understand the databases such as MySQL,

There’s another type of developer known as “full-stack developer” A full-stack developer should be an expert with both front end and back end or it’s also client-side and server-side.

How Are the Two Roles Alike?

Web designers and web developers both need some basic knowledge of programming languages. Of course, developers need to be experts in programming languages, but designers also should have basic knowledge of the language for enhanced user experience.

In a way, both the profiles are the same because their ultimate focus is on customer interaction or the end-users.

The designers’ motive is to make the navigation of the website easy. And developers need to focus on how the customers will perform tasks on the website. In the end, both profiles want to make the internet a better place for people.

How Do Web Designers and Web Developers Differ?

Well, web designers earn less money than web developers. According to the PayScale company, the average web designers earn $40,001 in the year 2018. While on the other hand, the median web developers earn $58,262 approximately in the same year 2018.

When it is about looking for a job as a web designer, it is the portfolio that plays a vital role. Hiring managers are more likely to check the profile of designers on Dribble or Behance, Pinterest.  

For the profile of web designers, hiring experts check their codes. Typically, they check out their Github profile.

Well, in the aspect of personality-wise, web designers are creative and artistic and while developers are analytic and data-driven.

With the dynamic technology market, we often overlook these roles of developers and designers at the cooperated. As the transit of time, both profiles understand the web development and web designing concept smoothly. However, most companies will have a team of dedicated developers, designers to develop, design robust web applications.

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I am Jeams Anderson. I am a Digital Marketing Expert. I have a Digital Marketing Agency. The Name Of My Agency Is All-Time SEO.

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